Hello, world!
Hello, world!
Im Vinicius, a computational chemist who wants to disseminate a little bit of what I’ve learned the last years, and now that I have obtained a little bit more proeficiency in computers I think a little blog might be something nice to do in my spare time.
I was really inspired by Prof. Henry Szepa blog, which is just a mervelous and democratic bit of the internet!
So this is the start of my writings, it wasn’t supposed to be some kind of new year resolution, yet here I am, january first of 2024. Most probably this turns out as just another blog which dies in a little bit of time, but who knows, some things really do live longer than expected.
So yeah, welcome to my thoughts! I plan to write some funny things I think and also try to democratize computational chemistry a little bit more, as I think with the power of modern computers there could be a lot of people doing chemistry research with their home computer, which might be really fun.